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Our Team

Mary Ann Gomez Orta |

Mary Ann Gomez Orta

President & CEO
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H. Stephen Halloway CIRCLE |

H. Stephen Halloway

Senior Advisor
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Maytee Sanz |

Maytee Sanz

Director of Philanthropy & External Affairs
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emily |

Emily Benavides

Senior Communications Advisor
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Circle Frank Cruz Alvarez |

Frank Cruz-Alvarez

Pro bono Outside Counsel
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
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SqaureSpace Headshot Icons |

Nicole Marin

Senior Internships Manager
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tia2 |

Tia McGill

Operations and Administrative Manager
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fotor 2023 2 13 14 38 51 |

Angela Puma

Alumni Relations & Special Projects Manager
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gabriel headshot |

Gabriel Ronquillo

Programs Manager
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mercy |

Mercedes "Mercy" Santiesteban

Finance Manager
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bruce degn |

Bruce Degn

Senior Producer and Marketing Advisor
andres |

Andres Mejia

Video Producer & Communications Assistant Manager
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emma |

Emma Vollrath

Graphic Designer
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Sophya |

Sophya Ojeda

Public Relations Fellow
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maya |

Maya Mitchell

Public Relations Intern
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