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Sophya Ojeda

Public Relations Fellow

Sophya Ojeda is a first-generation Colombian American born and raised in Miami, FL. She graduated from Florida State University in Spring 2023 where she received her Bachelors in International Affairs with a concentration in Spanish. During her time at Florida State, Sophya served on the Executive Board for Habitat for Humanity as the Communications Chair where she increased community engagement and advocated for the organization’s mission by leading outreach events on campus and reaching various audiences through social media platforms.

Upon graduation, Sophya moved to D.C and began interning on Capitol Hill. She was a legislative intern for Senator Marco Rubio and later became a legislative and press intern for Congressman Mario-Diaz Balart, Vice-chairman of CHLI. These roles profoundly shaped her perspective and fueled her passion for public service. She is committed to leveraging her congressional experience and skills in strategic communications to make a positive impact within the Hispanic community.